Working with an architect is a personal experience. At Frazier Associates, we enjoy getting to know our clients and greatly value the relationships we build. It is that relationship and understanding that creates the best possible product in any design situation. In this Getting to Know Us blog series we offer you an opportunity to learn a little more about us!
Tom Clayton, AIA, LEED AP, BD&C
Tom Clayton, one of Frazier Associates’ senior architects, works with a number of institutional and government sector clients, as well as commercial clients. His breadth of experience includes historic rehabilitations, mixed-use projects, feasibility studies, and new construction; he is also skilled at assisting clients with historic rehabilitation tax credits. Tom works on a number of projects in Harrisonburg, such as the recent Ice House rehabilitation, Water Street Livery, and Hess Building; and he is actively involved in Harrisonburg’s Downtown Renaissance. Check out some of Tom’s recent projects such as OakCrest Headquarters in the former Lewis Jones Knitting Mill https://frazierassociates.com/portfolio-item/lewis-jones-mill/ ,Community Bank rehabilitation in Buena Vista https://frazierassociates.com/portfolio-item/community-bank/, and the Ice House complex https://frazierassociates.com/portfolio-item/ice-house/ Tom has been with Frazier Associates since 2003.
Describe your most interes
ting experience when investigating/measuring a building:
I was alone at the Ice House (a large cavernous space) measuring in what I thought was a secured, empty building when I heard two other people talking. It turned out to be one of the owners and his son!
If you could design any type of building that you haven’t designed yet, what would it be?
A Ranger Station, my grandfather always thought I should go into the Park Service.
What interesting landmark, building, or site have you recently visited that you would recommend others to see?
Biltmore House, Ashville, NC- Don’t miss the wine tasting room.
When I’m not at the office, you can find me:
on the golf course!